Sunday, September 8, 2019

The secret formula of diet at different ages

Foods are complex compositions of various nutrients in differing propotions.
People have differing needs for different nutrients at different ages, phases, stages of life and level of activity and stress in life.
No single food or diet or formula can be applicable for any person at any age.
Variety of food without balance  or out of proportion fanatism for specific not so easily available food items; especially by hear say or loosely applied science will only do a transient benefit but harm in long run.
No food is safest for all; nor any food is poison for all. It all depends on the health and disease.
Science and nature are dynamic; food contents of nutrients do change with time, processing, methods and quantity of preparations and incompatible dietary factors.
Food is good; as long as in proportions; if you get carried only by "portions"; the results will be approximate. Food Pyramid should be uniform.
Despite whatever food one eats, the digestion and absorption are key for its net utlization. This may differ from person to person; naturally and diseases.
Its the logic of diet in a proportion; that is important .and not the dietitian or doctor.
When diet fails, u visit a dietitian. When dietitian fails you visit a Dr so that the Physician can guide the Dietitian.

1 comment:


Thanks for sharing informative article, I really like this post.